HomeAntivirus & SecurityMalwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium V2.2.1 Crack

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium V2.2.1 Crack

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Crack


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Crack is an important program that helps keep our computers safe. It’s is like a special superhero that fights off bad things like viruses and malware that can harm our computer. One really great thing about Malwarebytes is that it’s very fast and does a wonderful job at getting rid of the latest bad stuff that can cause problems. It’s always being updated to protect us from new threats that may come out.

And guess what? It doesn’t cost anything to scan and clean our computer with it. It’s absolutely free! In a previous article, we discussed Malwarebytes AdwCleaner, and you might find it interesting: Malwarebytes AdwCleaner Crack.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Portable


  • Real-Time Protection: This software has a cool feature called real-time protection. This means that it is always watching our computer and if we try to open something bad, it stops it right away to keep our computer safe. It’s like a bodyguard for our computer!
  • Anti-Ransomware: Have you heard of ransomware? It’s a type of bad thing that can lock our files and ask for money to unlock them. But with this, we don’t have to worry about that. It has a special feature called anti-ransomware that stops these bad things and keeps our files safe. It’s like a lock for our files!
  • Anti-Exploit: Sometimes, bad people try to attack our computer by finding weak spots in our software. But Malwarebytes can protect us from those attacks too. It has a feature called anti-exploit that blocks those attacks and keeps our computer safe. It’s like a forcefield for our computer!

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Patch

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: To use it, we need to have Windows 7 or a newer version. If we have a Mac, we need to have macOS 10.12 or a newer version. So make sure to check what operating system we have before installing this software.
  • Processor: Our computer needs to have a processor that is 800MHz or faster, with something called SSE2 technology.
  • Memory: This software needs some memory or RAM to work properly. If our computer has a 32-bit version of Windows, we need at least 1 GB of memory. If it has a 64-bit version, we need at least 2 GB of memory.
  • Storage: Needs some space on our computer to be installed. We need to make sure we have at least 250 MB of free space.
  • Monitor Resolution: Resolution of our computer screen should be 1024×768 or higher.

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium V2.2.1 Crack From Here:


Malwarebytes is an amazing program that helps keep our computers safe from viruses and malware. It has features like real-time protection, anti-ransomware, and anti-exploit that work together to keep us safe. And the best part is that it’s free to use! So let’s make sure to have this software installed on our computer and stay safe while enjoying all the wonderful things that the digital world has to offer! To stay updated with our latest content, click here to visit our homepage: EWORA.

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