HomeFirewalls & Online SecurityMalwarebytes Windows Firewall Control V6.9.2.0 Crack

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control V6.9.2.0 Crack

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Crack

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Crack

I want to tell you about an awesome program called Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Crack. Have you heard of it? This software is a firewall protector for your computer! Which grauds your computer against malware threats. Windows operating system has a built-in firewall. But the main problem is it is not very up-to-date against the latest threads or malicious programs.

So, in that case, Malwarebytes have created Windows Firewall Control which will cover the weak points of the current Windows Firewall. You know how important it is to keep your computer safe from viruses and bad guys, right? Well, this software helps make that super easy.

It works with the Windows Firewall and gives you quick access to all the important settings. Explore a variety of related articles and resources in our System Performance & Benchmarking category.

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Pre-Activated


  • Small Size: It doesn’t take up much space on your computer. It’s like a tiny superhero that doesn’t need a lot of room!
  • Easy to Use: It has a super easy interface that you can find in the system tray. You don’t have to go searching for it. It’s always there, ready to protect your computer.
  • Quick Control: With just a click of your mouse, you can block or allow a program to connect to the internet. It’s like having the power to say “yes” or “no” to any program that wants to go online.
  • Right-Click Superpower: You can even right-click on a program’s file and choose whether it can connect to the internet or not. It’s so easy and saves you time!

More Features:

  • Clean-Up Time: This software can help you clean up any unnecessary or invalid rules in the Windows Firewall. It’s like giving your computer a good scrub to make sure everything is working perfectly.
  • Edit in One Place: If you need to change any of the Windows Firewall rules, you can do it right from the program. No need to go searching through lots of settings. It’s all in one place!
  • Start-Up Hero: You can set it to start automatically when you log in to your computer. It’s like having a superhero waiting to protect your computer as soon as you turn it on.
  • Save and Transfer: You can save all your settings and transfer them to another computer using the software. It’s like having a magic potion that can make any computer just like yours.
  • Uninstall Protection: Nobody can uninstall this software without your permission. It defends itself and stays on your computer to keep you safe.
  • Easy Update: It even checks for updates for you. It’s like a little helper that keeps everything up to date and working great.

Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control Portable

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Need Windows 7 or a newer version to have Windows Firewall Control.
  • Processor: Should be at least 800 MHz.
  • Memory: For a 64-bit operating system, you’ll need at least 2 GB of memory. And for a 32-bit operating system, 1 GB of memory is enough.
  • Disk Space: Make sure you have at least 1 GB of free space on your computer.
  • Screen Resolution: It’s recommended to have a screen resolution of at least 1024×768.

Download Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control V6.9.2.0 Crack From Here:


Windows Firewall Control is a super helpful tool for managing and improving the Windows Firewall on your computer. It’s really easy to use and has lots of cool features that give you control over your computer’s security. So go ahead and give it a try! Keep your computer safe and have fun exploring the internet, my friend! Looking for additional resources? Our post on Malwarebytes is a great place to start: Malwarebytes Crack.

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